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Velocity e-Store 

You can browse hundreds of retailers and earn Points when you shop online with the Velocity e-Store. The Velocity e-Store is run with the help of Collinson Group Pty Ltd ACN 083 835 661 (Collinson). Collinson sources and manages retailers who offer products and services (products) for sale on retailer websites, accessible via the Velocity e-Store. 

In addition to these Terms, your use of the Velocity e-Store is subject to any terms and conditions published by Collinson on the Velocity e-Store or linked from the Velocity e-Store (e.g. retailer terms and conditions). When you purchase products via the Velocity e-Store, the terms and conditions of the retailer who you purchase from will apply, including e.g. delivery and return policies.

To use the Velocity e-Store, you need to agree to the use of cookies and ensure cookies are turned on in your browser and that your browser security settings allow the use of cookies. Cookies allow us to track your Velocity e-Store purchases and allocate your Points. You can learn more about cookies here 

Information displayed at the Velocity e-Store is offered for information purposes only. Information isn’t binding on us unless expressly incorporated by us in these Terms. Information isn’t binding on Collinson unless expressly incorporated in any terms and conditions Collinson publishes on the Velocity e-Store.

Earn Points through the Velocity e-Store

You can earn Points for eligible purchases you make with retailers who are available at the Velocity e-Store and by accessing the retailer’s site via a link from the Velocity e-Store or the Velocity App. You can only make purchases via the Velocity e-Store once you log in to your Velocity account. 
The retailer’s purchase conditions may specify that Points won’t be earned, or may be earned at different rates, for certain Velocity e-Store purchases. Please review purchase conditions for each retailer before making a purchase. The purchase price of all products offered for sale via the Velocity e-Store is in the currency specified by the relevant retailer. Check with the retailer for any applicable taxes, fees and charges (e.g. transaction fees). Prices may change at any time.
Your purchases are tracked and reported back to us and Collinson by the retailer. To earn Points, you’ll need to make your purchase with a retailer in the same session as when you clicked the Velocity e-Store 'Shop Now' button. Velocity Points earn is calculated by converting from purchase currency to Australian Dollars and multiplying the AUD value of the transaction by the applicable Points earn rate.  Points aren’t earned on taxes or shipping.  Going direct to a retailer's site may result in your purchase not being eligible to earn Points. You’ll know you’ve made a successful Velocity e-Store purchase when you get an email within 7 days of your purchase confirming your purchase and that your Points are pending approval from the retailer.

Once a purchase has been approved by the retailer, Points will be credited to your Velocity account (usually within 37 days of your purchase). The process of approving purchases and Points earned is the sole responsibility of the retailer you purchase from.
We may cancel any allocation of Points and can reverse any Points allocated to your Velocity account if we are advised that:
•    you’ve cancelled a purchase;
•    you’ve returned your purchased products to the retailer;
•    an invalid e-Voucher or payment method was used at point of sale;
•    applicable purchase conditions weren’t met (e.g. purchase invalid or ineligible);
•    the retailer cancelled a purchase transaction due to cookie tracking/verification issues; or
•    the purchase was cancelled due to fraudulent, deceptive or misleading behaviour.

If you have a query about Points earned from the Velocity e-Store (e.g. you think the Points you’ve earned are wrong or you haven’t received Points within the above timeframe), please contact the Membership Contact Centre. Missing Points claims must be made within 90 days of the transaction date.

You must contact the retailer directly if you have a question or complaint about your purchased product. 

You access and use the Velocity e-Store at your own risk

We aren’t responsible for the content of the Velocity e-Store or the content or availability of any third party websites that link from the Velocity website including the sites of retailers.

We aren’t responsible for any errors or delays in reporting transactions. We’ll use reasonable endeavours to ensure that reporting of transactions by retailers occurs. We don’t warrant any timeframe for approval of a purchase. We aren’t responsible for any failure in communication between Velocity, retailers, Collinson or members, all of which is beyond our control.

Where permitted by law to do so, we exclude all liability to you or anyone else for any direct or indirect loss, damage or expense arising from your use of the Velocity e-Store regardless of whether the liability arose from negligence, breach of contract or otherwise, and regardless of whether we have any control over circumstances giving rise to the claim or not.

Warranties, if any, are provided by retailers and not us. We don’t accept liability for defects in the quality or condition of products and make no claims or warranties as to the delivery of products.

Last Updated: 12/03/2020